Scar Treatment


Treating scars is complex therapy. It is important to know about the general health and the type of scar.

Different types of scars require different treatment

Lasers and other light treatments:

These treatments can:

  • Prevent raised scars and keloids.
  • Reduce the appearance of existing raised scars and keloids.
  • Decrease scarring after surgery.
  • Treat some depressed acne scars.
  • Lessen the color of the scar, such as redness.
  • Increase a person’s ability to move when a scar limits movement.
  • Reduce pain, itch, hardness, and swelling.

Laser therapy can give patients impressive results.

A scar forms as part of the natural healing process following an injury. When the dermis – the second layer of skin- is damaged, your body forms collagen fibers to repair the damage, and that results in a scar.

  • The faster a wound heals, the less collagen will be deposited and the less noticeable the scar will be.
  • Typically, the severity of the scar is based on the severity of the injury or damage.
  • Scars form differently on different parts of the body.
  • Scars form differently based on the age of the injured person.
  • There are different types of scars.

Atrophic scars They are characterized by the loss of tissue.

Hypertrophic scars They are characterized by excess tissue that forms over the skin as it heals.

Keloid Scars They are the result of aggressive healing and an overproduction of tissue. They are characterized by a raised, thick, puffy appearance.

Contracture scars They are the result from large areas of skin being lost or damaged, typically form burns.


Applying pressure to a wound while it’s healing can:

  • Reduce (or prevent) a scar.
  • Prevent a keloid if your skin tends to form this type of scar.
  • Prevent a keloid from returning after it is surgically removed.